Interactive Voice Response

Megisto Media develops multi-language Interactive Voice Response systems with professional voice talent to deliver optimized customer experiences.

Interactive Voice Response
IVR Experiences

Localized IVR Experiences

With 13 language capabilities and voice talent casting, Megisto Media crafts customized IVR systems to engage diverse customers in their native language.

Megisto Media Services specializes in creating localized, engaging IVR experiences by casting voice talent fluent in 13 languages. With expertise spanning English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic and more, they craft customized IVR solutions that resonate with diverse callers in their native language.

Their global casting capabilities enable businesses to extend their reach and deliver personalized, culturally-relevant customer journeys. Localized voice prompts boost understanding and ensure clarity for customers.With access to state-of-the-art recording studios, they capture human-sounding IVR audio with proper pacing, warmth and intonation. Advanced editing and quality control result in flawless pronunciation and natural conversations that optimize IVR usability.

Voice-Enabled Customer Journeys


Megisto Media Services empowers brands to create intuitive, voice-driven IVR systems to guide callers seamlessly through customized experiences.Leveraging professional voice talent and natural conversation design, they build user-friendly IVR flows with logistical precision and personality. Callers engage with dialog that provides clear direction, timely suggestions, and efficient navigation.

With their end-to-end expertise, Megisto Media handles everything from scripting personalized journeys to casting and directing voice talent. Modern recording equipment captures warm, genuine performances. Rigorous quality assurance perfects the final experience.

The result is IVR that feels human, not robotic. With efficient customer routing, contextual recommendations, and frictionless self-service, Megisto Media creates IVR systems that optimize satisfaction. Their voice-enabled IVR capabilities transform simple phone calls into personalized brand encounters.

IVR Integrations

Seamless IVR Integrations

Megisto Media Services enables brands to integrate IVR capabilities seamlessly across communication platforms and backends. With multi-format delivery and DevOps support, they provide turnkey IVR solutions customized to each business.Their IVR platform flexibility allows easy integration with existing systems and new tech stacks. Using agile approaches, they rapidly iterate IVR applications alongside evolving infrastructures. Multi-channel IVR expands reach across web, mobile and telephony touchpoints.

With expertise across leading speech recognition platforms, programming languages and popular APIs, Megisto Media integrates IVR smoothly across technologies. Robust DevOps ensures IVR aligns optimally with backends.From voice talent casting to multi-language support and format delivery, Megisto Media handles the entire IVR lifecycle. With end-to-end capabilities, they empower brands to swiftly deploy integrated IVR that creates cohesive customer experiences.